Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our catalogue and click on any items that you wish to buy and put them into the shopping basket.
After you have finished your selection, click on Order and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy the order.
We accept credit card payment. If you are shopping from North America or anywhere else, place your order and your credit card company will convert the transaction to US Dollars or your own currency.
We accept Visa and Mastercard. We do not charge for any item until it is ready to ship. Backordered items are not charged until they are shipped. You may send your credit card information via phone, fax or over the Internet.
Orders under £50.00 excluding VAT will be subject to a delivery charge of £8.50.
All overseas orders including Northern Ireland - carriage charged at cost irrespective of order value.
We deliver your order right away. We will normally send your order to you NEXT DAY U.K. Mainland.
International orders can vary depending on location. Please contact us on 0113 418 0065.
For orders made from the UK or the European Union, 20% VAT is added. All other orders are VAT free and you should click the exempt button to reduce VAT to zero .
All credit card numbers are encrypted in the software when the order is placed using 128 bit encryption. They are only decrypted after they reach our computer. They are not held in clear text on any web site.
All products are subject to our standard terms and conditions.
Claims for defective goods must be made within 10 days of delivery.
Customers should check and count the cartons carefully and carriers notes signed accordingly.
A clean signature prevents any claim against the carriers and may result in any claim being rejected by Ace Pans.
Any shortages must be advised immediately on receipt.
Registered in England Company Number: 09465470 Leeds Metal Spinning Ltd
Registered Office: Unit 4E-4F, Amberley Road Industrial Estate, Leeds LS12 4BD